Money in Ones Tens and Hundreds

Dollars into tens and hundreds

Dollars into tens and hundreds

Dollars into tens and hundreds

Dollars into tens and hundreds

Dollars into tens and hundreds

Dollars into tens and hundreds

Dollars into tens and hundreds

Dollars into tens and hundreds

Dollars into tens and hundreds

Dollars into tens and hundreds

Dollars into tens and hundreds

Dollars into tens and hundreds

Dollars into tens and hundreds

Dollars into tens and hundreds

Dollars into tens and hundreds

Dollars into tens and hundreds

Representing dollars in different ways

Representing dollars in different ways

Representing dollars in different ways

Representing dollars in different ways

Representing dollars in different ways

Representing dollars in different ways

Representing dollars in different ways

Representing dollars in different ways

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Representing dollars in different ways

One way to represent $142 is with 1 $100 bill, 4 $10 bills, and 2 $1 bills. Another way is with 2 $100 bills, 4 $10 bills, and 1 $1 bill. Both combinations total exactly $142 using only $1, $10, and $100 bills.